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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Projects and Online Registration

Baden-Württemberg International - United in Diversity

Germany: Multilateral projects in English



United in diversity – Karlsruhe international


As the – only German – creative city for media art, Karlsruhe was admitted to the international UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2019. Media art belongs to the repertoire of life here, with exhibitions, festivals and many events. The booming IT city also has a long tradition as a city of law and legislation, of constitutional rights and democracy. This city on the Rhine river is the starting point for our international project. Young Europeans will come together here to work in the cemetery on the graves of those who died through the war and to help preserve them permanently as memorials for peace. Our common past is not our only theme – above all we shall discuss our coexistence in Europe in the 21st century. Workshops, a nations evening and talks will reveal the enormous diversity of language and culture in Europe.


We are looking forward to summer in the mediterranean climate, visiting the famous old town of Heidelberg and nearby Alsace. On a two-day excursion, we will visit the beautiful city of Freiburg in the heart of the Black Forest and the Hartmannswillerkopf in the French Vosges mountains. A guided tour through the European Parliament in Strasbourg will be exciting, for the motto of the European Union heads up our project: united in diversity!


Appointment 26.07.2024 - 09.08.2024
Number of participants 20 to 21 Participants
Age of participants 16-22
Preliminary meeting Es wird ein virtuelles Vorbereitungstreffen angeboten, der Termin wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. // Virtual preparation meeting is offered, the date will be announced in time.
Route selbstständige An- und Abreise nach und von Karlsruhe Individual and independent arrival and departure to and from Karlsruhe
Accommodation Gruppenunterkunft, Mehrbettzimmer; Vollverpflegung group accomodation, shared rooms; full board
Participation fee 200,00 € -
150,00 € - for Participants from Central and Eastern European countries
Passport/Visa je nach Herkunftsland gültiger Personalausweis, Reisepass und/oder Visum depending on country of origin, valid ID card / visa
Health regulations Impfung gegen Tetanus, Covid19 und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen. // Vaccination against Tetanus, Covid19 and TBE (ticks) recommended.
Registration by 31.05.2024