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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

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Projects and Online Registration

Guarding Memories: Kassel international

Germany: Multilateral projects in English


Welcome in Kassel! This vibrant metropolis on the River Fulda, with its art, culture and the biggest mountain park in Europe, is crowned by a gigantic Hercules statue far above the town. Our multifaceted programme is at the ready, waiting to be kicked off by youth from all over Europe. Despite its historic significance, historical buildings are a rarity, for the centre of Kassel was almost completely destroyed by the air raid 22 October 1943. We will take a closer look at the role Kassel played in the Second World War. The focus of our youth encounter will be the war cemeteries which became the final resting place for ca. 10,000 people who lost their lives during the air raids. In particular we will care for the graves of foreign victims, many of them forced labourers. Caring together for their graves, we will commemorate them.


Alongside our historical investigation we have a rich cultural programme. The UNESCO World Heritage Water Features in the mountain park are on our plan, as well as an excursion to Frankfurt/Main, in the South of Hessia.


Camp language is English.

The project is funded by the BMFSFJ (Federal Children and Youth Plan)


Appointment 03.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
Number of participants 16 to 20 Participants
Age of participants 16 - 25
Preliminary meeting Es wird ein virtuelles Vorbereitungstreffen angeboten, der Termin wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. // Virtual preparation meeting is offered, the date will be announced in time.
Route selbstständige An- und Abreise nach und von Kassel // Individual and independent arrival and departure to and from Kassel
Accommodation Naturfreundehaus Kaufungen (https://lossetalhaus.de/), Mehrbettzimmer, Vollverpflegung (Selbstversorgerhaus, ein Teil der Mahlzeiten wird durch die Gruppe selbst zubereitet) // Shared rooms / full board (self-catering house, some of the meals are prepared by the group itself)
Participation fee 200,00 € -
150,00 € - for Participants from Central and Eastern European countries
Passport/Visa gültiger Personalausweis oder Reisepass, je nach Herkunftsland Visum / valid passport, depending on the country of origin visa
Health regulations Impfung gegen Tetanus, Covid19 und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen. // Vaccination against Tetanus, Covid19 and TBE (ticks) recommended
Registration by 30.06.2024