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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Regionalkoordinator/-innen für neues Jugendpartizipationsprojekt gesucht!
Du bist zwischen 18 und 28 Jahre alt, kommunikativ und möchtest Verantwortung übernehmen? Bewirb dich jetzt und unterstütze Jugendliche in deiner Region. [Mehr erfahren und bewerben].

Projects and Online Registration

Horizons of Remembrance – a peacework project in Czech Republic

Czech Republic



Be part of a fascinating journey of intercultural and historical exchange in the Czech Republic!



We are looking for committed young adults from Europe who would like to take part in an important project. In Brno, we will work together to preserve a war cemetery and thus facilitate remembrance, explore the city and come to terms with its turbulent history. A visit to the Terezín concentration camp will be an intense experience, accompanied by thematic workshops and the opportunity to meet contemporary witnesses.



The journey continues to Prague, where we will focus on the history of the Jewish population and the extermination of the village of Lidice. In addition to the cultural programme, there will be time for individual activities in the fascinating atmosphere of Prague.



This unique experience will not only give you the opportunity to make international friends, but also to actively discover historical sites and explore their significance for the present day .


Appointment 15.08.2024 - 26.08.2024
Number of participants 10 to 20 Participants
Age of participants 18-30 Jahre // 18-30 years
Route individuelle An- und Abreise ab Dresden oder Prag // Individual arrival and departure from Dresden or Prague
Accommodation Mehrbettzimmer // Shared room
Participation fee 340,00 € -
240,00 € - MOE
Passport/Visa EU-Personalausweis oder Reisepass // EU identity card or passport
Registration by 07.07.2024