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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Projects and Online Registration

Monte Cassino 1944



Monte Cassino 1944


A German-Polish Encounter


In February 1944 – 80 years ago this year – one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War began at Monte Cassino, a beautiful old monastery hidden in the hills south of Rome. Germans, Poles, Americans, British, New Zealanders, Indians, French, Algerians and Moroccans fought in a ‘multi-ethnic’ battle which cost over 75,000 soldiers their lives. The location and its history are the focus of our German-Polish youth camp. Together we will visit cemeteries and memorials, work on war graves and explore the region. We will also spend several days in Northern Italy, including excursions to Verona and Bologna.


Appointment 08.07.2024 - 20.07.2024
Number of participants 19 to 19 Participants
Age of participants 16-26
Preliminary meeting Virtuelles Vorbereitungstreffen ca. 6 wochen vor Projektbeginn/ virtual Prep Meeting ca. 6 weeks prior to start
Route Gemeinsame Anreise ab/Bis Hannover Zustieg polnische Gruppe Magdeburg// Travel together from/to Hannover, Pick-up Polish Group in Magdeburg
Accommodation Hotel & Selbstversorgerhaus, im Mehrbettzimmern/ Hotel & Hostel
Participation fee 450,00 € - für Teilnehmende aus D
750,00 € - PLN dla uczestników z Polski
Passport/Visa Reisepass oder Personalausweis/ Pasport or ID card neccessary
Health regulations Es gelten die aktuellen Infektionsschutz- und Hygieneregeln des Landes sowie des Volksbundes. Impfung gegen Tetanus und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen. // The current infection protection and hygiene regulations of the country and the Volksbund apply. Vaccination against tetanus and TBE (ticks) recommended.
Registration by 31.05.2024