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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Projects and Online Registration

München International

Germany: Multilateral projects in English



Munich international


Servus, as they say in Munich, the metropolis with a heart – welcome! The Bavarian capital is not only famous for its excellent beer gardens, weisswurst and the Octoberfest. Architectural sights, the Alliance Arena and the Pinotheks are representative for any amount of art, culture and sport. Cosmopolitanism and tolerance characterise this metropolis with its southern flair, in which people from all over the world live and work. The lively inner city and the beautiful surroundings make the summer in Munich a very special experience. An ideal location for our international youth encounter where young people from the whole of Europe meet.


Under the slogan "work for peace" we shall examine the past together, to acquire insight which will aid our living together in Europe and the world. Our work in the forest cemetery in Munich on the graves of men and women from 18 nations will help to establish it permanently as a memorial for peace. We will visit the concentration camp memorial site Dachau and the NS-documentation centre, and discuss the fate suffered by so many people during the wars in workshops and seminars.


Our accommodation will be located in a group accomodation right on the banks of the Ammersee – ideal for visiting Munich and the whole region, including the Allgäu and the alpine world. We look forward to greeting you!


Appointment 29.07.2024 - 11.08.2024
Number of participants 15 to 24 Participants
Age of participants 16-22
Preliminary meeting Es wird ein virtuelles Vorbereitungstreffen angeboten, der Termin wird rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. // Virtual preparation meeting is offered, the date will be announced in time.
Route selbstständige An- und Abreise nach und von München Individual and independent arrival and departure to and from München
Accommodation Gruppenunterkunft, Mehrbettzimmer; Vollverpflegung group accomodation, shared rooms; full board
Participation fee 200,00 € -
150,00 € - for Participants from Central and Eastern European countries
Passport/Visa je nach Herkunftsland gültiger Personalausweis, Reisepass und/oder Visum depending on country of origin, valid ID card / visa
Health regulations Impfung gegen Tetanus, Covid19 und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen. // Vaccination against Tetanus, Covid19 and TBE (ticks) recommended.
Registration by 31.05.2024