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International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

International Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

Projects and Online Registration

War & Wilderness

Germany: Bi- and trinational projects


War and Wilderness


The last days of the Second World War


It is a cold morning towards the end of January, 1945. Although the eastern front is drawing closer every day, life is still somewhat normal in Kienitz, a small village on the west bank of the Oder river, about 80 kilometres east of Berlin. Early in the morning, before the sun has risen, a young girl getting ready for school looks through the kitchen window. In the dark outside she can see shadowy figures moving towards her – the first Soviet soldiers, who had unexpectedly crossed the river, the last natural barrier to Berlin, in the night.


A desperate battle followed, to be the last of the Second World War, transforming the region into an apocalyptic scene of wreckage and debris. Tens of thousands lost their lives in the coming weeks, many of them just days before the end of hostilities.


In our youth camp War and Wilderness we shall trace these historical events. We will take up our quarters in a tent camp close to the Oder, where all those years ago soldiers crossed the river. We shall explore the beautiful river landscape, do repair work on war graves and discover Lost Places on both sides of the German-Polish border.

Camp-language is English. Please bring your own sleeping pad & sleeping bag since you will be accommodated in large tents. The project is funded by the Polish-German Youth Office.



Appointment 08.07.2024 - 20.07.2024
Number of participants 16 to 16 Participants
Age of participants 16-26
Preliminary meeting Online-Vorbereitungstreffen ca. 6 Wochen vor Projektbeginn/Online-Meeting ca. 6 weeks prior to project start
Route Gemeinsame Anreise ab/bis Belrin // travel from/to Berlin
Accommodation in Zelt --> bitte eigenen Schlafsack & Isomatte mitbringen// Accomodation in tents, please bring your own sleeping bag & pad
Participation fee 200,00 € - Für TN aus D
Passport/Visa Gültiger Personalausweis / Reisepass // Valid Identity Card / Passport
Health regulations Es gelten die aktuellen Infektionsschutz- und Hygieneregeln des Landes sowie des Volksbundes. Impfung gegen Tetanus und FSME (Zecken) empfohlen. // The current infection protection and hygiene regulations of the country and the Volksbund apply. Vaccination against tetanus and TBE (ticks) recommended.
Registration by 30.06.2024